Auckland City Council
January 7, 2021
Auckland City remove 3 X 1000 Liter Tanks
When a 32 Story building in Auckland City wanted to remove 3 X 1000 litre Tanks from the plant room on top of the building and install 7 X 340 litre water tanks They came to water works and asked us to design, and install the new installation.
One requirement was to have hot water to all the apartments during this month long process.
Process to install 7 x 340 litre hot water tanks, step by step.
Our Process
1A. Re-align the boiler room door:
1A. Wall has been off set? We will remove the offset and make this wall flush, so the leaf of the door opens to 90 degrees Allowing old tanks to be removed and new tanks to be installed:
1A.The door to be moved so the wall is flush:
3B. Sprinkler heads to be removed where we are working:
3B. Sprinkler heads to be removed where we are working, hot works permitted work:
4A. Cold water pipe to have 4 new connections:
4A. Hot pipe from gas heaters, 4 new connections needed
4A. Hot supply manifold 4 new connections to be made:
4. Tank to be removed and pipe work to be changed:
1B. Position of 2 new 340 litre hot water cylinders:
7. All old tanks to be cut up and removed:
4A. This cold water supply pipe will have to be turned off and more take off pipes added:
Photos of the New Tanks Are Shown Below
Two tanks on the exterior of the main plant room:
5 new tanks installed, with new connections:
5 new tanks installed, with new connections:
New tanks with pipe work lagged: